The X-Wing Fighter, due out this November, features two pilot figures, one standing and one in a seated position. It also includes an R2-D2 figure as well as R5-D4, so you can customize the vehicle to the one of your liking (i.e., Red 3, Red 5). Click the link to see all of the features.
Darth Vader's T.I.E. Advanced Fighter includes a 1/72 scale standing Vader figure as well as a seated one for the cockpit. Also included are optional laser blasts. Follow the link to see the pics. Both this kit and the X-Wing are scheduled for November of this year.
Also out this November is their highly posable 1/12 scale Darth Vader (link). And the Stormtrooper, which is the one I really want, will be out in December of this year.
But they have many more planned for 2015, click here to see pictures from their Hobby Show that features images of the Snowspeeder and AT-ST prototypes and others, as well as a few new Yamato 2199 kits.